Muscle Tightening Techniques for Fighting Cocks Before a Match

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Muscle tightening, or weight cutting, is crucial for fighting cocks that participate in professional competitions. Proper muscle tightening techniques can help these animals achieve a lean and muscular physique, giving them an advantage in their weight class. Here are some tips and tricks from 10jili’s experienced handlers on how to effectively tighten muscles in your roosters:

Effective Muscle Tightening Techniques for Fight Cocks

During the period leading up to a fight, handlers need to focus on reducing body fat while preserving muscle mass. This will help the bird stay within its weight class while still maintaining strength and agility.

Diet for Muscle Tightening

During muscle tightening, the amount of staple food such as grains and seeds should be reduced by about 2/3. This should be replaced with an increased intake of vegetables and fruits, such as spinach, peanuts, bean sprouts, lettuce, and tomatoes.

Handlers should avoid providing foods that increase body fat, and instead focus on foods that promote muscle growth such as beef, eel, loach, snake, fish, and small carp. However, these supplemental foods should only be given in moderation, perhaps once or twice per week.

Vitamin supplements such as Vitamin B1, B16, B12, E, D, and A should also be provided to support muscle growth and reduce body fat.

Exercise Regimen for Muscle Tightening

Unlike during the fattening stage, where exercise is not necessary, the muscle tightening phase requires a more rigorous training schedule to help the bird reach peak fitness. Here are a few effective exercises:

Leg Exercises

Specialized treadmills can be used to train cocks to run. This exercise strengthens the thighs and legs, improving agility and conditioning. Cocks should engage in daily 15-20 minute treadmill sessions, with gradual increases in intensity as they become stronger.

Wing Exercises

Strengthening the wings improves jumping ability, giving cocks an advantage in combat. To train the wings, lift the bird and let it flap back down to the ground. Gradually increase the height as the cock becomes stronger. This exercise not only tightens muscles but also improves balance and overall coordination.

Cardio Exercises

Cardio exercises, such as “vần hơi,” are excellent for tightening muscles and rapidly improving fitness. This exercise involves covering the bird’s beak and spurs and allowing it to engage in a high-intensity workout. Perform 3-5 rounds of 10-15 minutes each, allowing for 3-4 days of rest between sessions.

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Sparring Exercises

Sparring sessions provide a more intense and competitive workout, requiring more physical exertion than cardio exercises. Again, perform 3-5 rounds of 10-15 minutes each, but allow for a longer rest period of 7-10 days after each session.

Additional Care for Muscle Tightening

During the muscle tightening process, additional care should be given to the bird’s health through herbal rubs and massages. These techniques promote healthy development, thicken the skin, and increase the bird’s resilience to pain and injury.


By following these muscle tightening techniques and providing proper care, handlers can effectively prepare their fighting cocks for matches, ensuring optimal fitness and performance. Success in the fighting ring requires not only superior training but also a comprehensive approach that addresses both physical and mental well-being.

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